One of the joys of being an MLA is welcoming students of all ages to the Legislature, showing them some of the history and beauty of the building and on occasion introducing them in the House. Today was one of those pleasurable days.

I had the distinct pleasure of meeting a class of special needs students from the South Island Distance Education School (SIDES). These are young adults transitioning from high school who are learning life and social skills, increasing their reading and math levels and learning about the community. SIDES offers a wide range of courses and classes, often through the internet, to students throughout the province with a teaching and support staff dedicated to ensuring school children and young adults of all abilities can obtain the education credits to graduate, and skills to enter the work force or post-secondary courses.

Thank you to the teachers Elaine Ethier and Dana (pronounced as in banana) Crow for bringing the students Becky Hansen, Joel Wright, Ben Vanlierop and Emily Medwid. It was a delight to be able to introduce all of you in the House today.

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