Today in the legislature I introduced a private member’s bill entitled Bill M223 — Right to Roam Act. This Bill reestablishes the rights of British Columbians to access public lands, rivers, streams, and lakes, and to use these spaces to fish, hike and enjoy outdoor recreation.

Increasingly, British Columbians are being fenced out of wild areas that have been enjoyed by the public for generations. One particularly high profile example involves public access to Minnie, Stoney and other lakes surrounded by Douglas Lake Ranch spread out over more than 500,000 acres. Approximately 365,000 acres are already crown land with full public access.  But concern over access to several lakes was raised when Stoney Lake Road was suddenly gated in the late 1970s and subsequently locked in the early 1980s.

Below I reproduce the text and video of the speech I gave as I introduced the bill. I also include the accompanying media release.

Text of my Introduction

A. Weaver: I move that a bill intituled the Right to Roam Act, 2017, of which notice has been given, be introduced and read a first time now.

Motion approved.

A. Weaver: I’m pleased to be introducing a bill intituled the Right to Roam Act, 2017.

The ability to access and experience nature is a right for all British Columbians, and we must protect it. This bill will re-establish the rights of British Columbians to access public lands, rivers, streams and lakes and to use these spaces to fish, hike and enjoy outdoor recreation.

Hunting, fishing and outdoor recreation are a pivotal part of British Columbia’s heritage and form an important part of the fabric of present-day life in British Columbia. They are also vital to the understanding, conservation and management of fish and wildlife in our province.

Increasingly, however, British Columbians are being fenced out of wild areas that have been enjoyed by the public for generations.

One particularly high profile example involved public access to Minnie, Stoney and other lakes surrounded by Douglas Lake Ranch, spread out over more than 500,000 acres. Public access was prevented when Stoney Lake Road was suddenly gated in the 1970s and subsequently locked in the 1980s. This bill, which is built on a combination of B.C.’s existing Hunting and Fishing Heritage Act and Nova Scotia’s Angling Act, aims to address and prevent such conflicts.

I move that the bill be placed on the orders of the day for second reading at the next sitting of the House after today.

Bill M223, Right to Roam Act, 2017, introduced, read a first time and ordered to be placed on orders of the day for second reading at the next sitting of the House after today.

Video of my Introduction

Media Release

Weaver introduces Right to Roam Act
For immediate release
February 27th, 2017

VICTORIA B.C. – Locked gates on back roads are increasingly restricting access to wild lands in the province, making it harder for outdoors people to go hunting, fishing or hiking. A new bill tabled Monday by Andrew Weaver, Leader of the B.C. Green Party, would put a stop to that practice.

“British Columbians are increasingly being fenced out of the province’s wild lands. The ability to access and experience nature is a public right, and we must protect it,” says Weaver, who is the MLA for Oak Bay-Gordon Head. “Free public access to the outdoors is vital to people’s health and well-being, but it is also vital to the health and well-being of our environment. People protect what they know and love. If we become disconnected from our environment we risk disengaging with the fight for its future.”

In many regions of the province, the only way to access wild Crown lands is via logging roads, public back roads, or across privately owned forests and uncultivated areas. While casual public use of these accessways has not been an issue in the past, there is a growing trend of neighbouring landowners and forestry companies locking people out. Some are building fences and installing locked gates to block access altogether, others are implementing strict schedules or access fees. In extreme cases, British Columbians are getting arrested for trespassing while walking to public lakes they have been fishing for generations.

The Nicola Valley Fish and Game Club, a non-profit association dedicated to the local preservation and management of habitat and wildlife, for example, has spent years in a legal battle with the owner of the Douglas Lake Ranch over the public right to fish in public lakes..

“The Right to Roam Act aims to address and prevent conflicts like the Douglas Lake Ranch case. Nature in British Columbia should be open to all, not to just the privileged few,” says Weaver.

This Act was built off the existing BC Hunting and Fishing Heritage Act and the Nova Scotia Angling Act. It includes a few additional amendments, made with reference to a UVic Environmental Law Clinic report about enhancing public access to wild lands.

“By allowing people to cross uncultivated wild land to access public lands, rivers, streams, and lakes, the Right to Roam Act aims to re-establish the rights of British Columbians and to use these spaces to fish, hike and enjoy outdoor recreation.”

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Media contact
Mat Wright, Press Secretary
+1 250-216-3382 |


  1. Rob-
    October 18, 2017 at 11:36 am

    Thank you for introducing this and I hope it hasn’t been buried amongst the other current issues.

    Our public lands should be for the public. Like many others have experienced, places I used to fish or hike when I was younger are now off limits. beautiful BC is not open to appreciate the beauty.

    In Arizona, with the proper permit you can access thousands of hectares of public and trust land via vehicle, off highway vehicle, horse, bike or hike. There are historic sites you can drive close to and they are still intact. While there are some issues of vandalism and irresponsibility, most people Police it themselves. There are also clubs who provide support in protecting and/or cleaning up the area. In some places the state puts large containers for people to dispose of shell casings, garbage etc. Considering it’s so accessible, it’s remarkably clean.

    Our Govt took the step to require licensing and registration on off Road vehicles, it’s time our govt take the steps to allow us to use them.

    To those who lease crown land, its similar in Arizona yet people can still access the land. Certainly people respect gates and keep them closed and claims are marked as private and of course people stay out (AZ has a very liberal gun law).

    I agree people are become more focused on technology so yes it’s critical we restrict access to our awesome Province, the Island is a good example of over restriction.

    Thank you Hon. Weaver

  2. Jean-Philippe-
    October 10, 2017 at 5:13 am

    So we are trying to “re establish it” if it still exist why our politician mla and police department just enforce it and stand up for us instead of collapsing in front of logging company?

  3. Cory-
    September 27, 2017 at 6:08 pm

    So basically to all the nay sayers claiming they worry about the forests and nature yet seem to forget the people limiting access are generally the ones doing 1000000000000000x more harm to the forests. They clear cut, killing off bio diversity and planting basically clone trees ruining the genetics of the forest. They make millions and I am supposed to buy their sob story on how us hunters,anglers and hikers are going to ruin everything? Give me a break! Ive seen logging trucks chuck empty Lucky cans out their window while driving! Who made timber companies the moral authority on who can use the forest? All they care about is money at the expence of our heritage and forests.

  4. Margaret Taylor-
    September 18, 2017 at 7:30 pm

    Dear Mr. Weaver,

    I support this bill in principle, but think it would require a great deal of detail to protect land owners.

    As hiker, backpacker and mountaineer, I am greatly dismayed by the gating of logging roads that access public lands and parks (i.e. Mrt. Arrowsmith Regional Park, Comox Glacier and other access points to Strathcona Park, etc. on Vancouver Island). On Vancouver island logging companies are often gating off roads to public land for greater amounts of time and in more locations. This summer has been particularly bad with the locking of gates/closing of roads due to increased fire hazard.

    I certainly understand the logging companies and other private land owners need to protect their lands/tenures from stray cigarettes, campfires, vandalism and theft of equipment, dumping of garbage, target practice, etc. but there should be a way in this day and age of technology for them to allow respectful users of the backcountry to access these lands, lakes, rivers, trails and routes and to install some sort of surveillance of the gates. I like the one idea suggested regarding using a swipe of a BCDL at the gate to allow access with a date and time stamp. That would allow companies and land owners to easily track down any miscreants up to no good in the backcountry. Of course the system would have to be pretty resilient to withstand weather and potential vandalism to the security system itself. Cameras are also a great idea hidden to take photos of license plates. As much as I hate the concept of too much surveillance, it does sadly seem to be necessary in the day and age of unthinking and sometimes downright stupid or nasty people up to no good! I think very harsh penalties for damaging private property….whether that be huge fines and or jail time or steep public service to remedy the action would be essential as well, to dissaude those who would be inclined to damage private property. Cost to install security and who bears that cost is a whole other issue and the legislature would have to weigh that against public demand for access and private land owners rights. This is a good forum to gauge the opinions of folks in BC on the issue and I appreciate your allowing and soliciting public opinion.

    In conclusion it would be superb if the government and private land owners could co-operate to allow reasonable public access to public land. Private land with no access to public land should remain private and inaccessible to the public for the aforementioned obvious reasons.


  5. Lisbeth Staschuk-
    August 3, 2017 at 11:12 pm

    Sorry but I am totally against this proposal. As an agricultural land OWNER (not lessee), we have a stream that crosses through our property. We constantly have trespassers leaving garbage, used needles, beer bottles/cans, and destroying trees. We have cattle and horses, and gates are being left open with regularity. I don’t want anyone on our property that isn’t invited. Our creek is a spawning ground, and neighbours steal rocks from the creek bed and shore. It is reduced to a trickle in summer and a raging stream in winter. My sign says it all. KEEP OUT.

  6. Arlene-
    July 14, 2017 at 10:58 pm

    Ranchers pay the government to rent Crown Land, it is then considered private land. Gates and fences are installed to keep cattle in certain pastures on the crown land so the land is not overgrazed. Cattle are moved from pasture to pasture when they go out in the spring and are brought home the same way. People cut fences, drive through gates, destroy the land. We pay for private land for valid reasons and if you want to hike, fish,camp etc. Go to public parks, There are many public areas stay out of private areas. People think they have the right to do as they please and unfortunately nut jobs encourage this behaviour. If you are on crown land and get attacked by our bull or chased by our cows or even worse get attacked by a wild animal, you asked for it, don’t look for my sympathy. Animals have rights to, stop trampling on their rights.

  7. Frederic-
    July 10, 2017 at 9:27 am

    As a private forest landowner and one who likes to fish and “roam” over other land I think the bill needs a bit of fine tuning.
    1. Not allow commercial activities or hunting on private land without the consent of the landowner. We don’t want guided hunting and fishing excursions going willy nilly over private property. Or pay per use adventure guides using private land for their commercial gain.
    2. “roaming” on private land should be limited to crossing the property to reach crown land (and lakes, rivers). Otherwise people will assume it means camping, squatting, building trails, etc.
    3. Alternation of the land is not allowed. I.e. no trail building.

    • July 10, 2017 at 6:20 pm

      I agree. We need to consult more thoroughly on the legislation to ensure this is reflected.

  8. Ryan shaw-
    July 7, 2017 at 8:37 pm

    This is the best bill that has come from our government in years. And to the naysayers, I live on Vancouver island and the southern half of the island is all private forest land given to island timberlands and timber west. So if I go into the forest I am trespassing and can be charged. If this bill does not go thru, eventually this will be the case in the whole province. And that is not good for anyone.

  9. Garnet-
    July 4, 2017 at 9:03 pm

    I believe both sides have good things to say, I’ll briefly attempt to address both pro and con. To the naysayers: I believe that in the past we have seen unnecessary mischief, vandalism, or general disrespect and abuse of both the environment and people’s property, the freedom to roam isn’t about letting people onto our private 5% it’s about the 95% that is the peoples, for the enjoyment and use of all.

    To the uninitiated the first instinct is to fear the unknown, be it the simple darkness, insects, vermin, game or predators large and small. Ignorance and lack of use have caused newer generations to not interact with, nor even understand the primal forces of nature, which serve as both enemy and friend to our citizens. People looking to get away find themselves alone in the wilderness, no one around for miles, and unobserved or without respect for the inhabitants, the local wildlife or the land around them, they misuse, or destroy.

    Understanding, and nurturing those who have an affinity to respect or care for nature, bringing the uninitiated out into the wilderness, giving them the knowledge to survive, respect, and enjoy the beauty / bounty of nature means that there are people out there actively preventing destruction of land and possessions, encouraging responsible use of local flora and fauna, and failing all else, witnessing, reporting, and giving appropriate authorities the ability to enforce, evidence, and remedy crimes against nature, the land, the people’s rights, and ultimately the planet itself.

    To those on board, it is important to understand that the way the situation is now, the naysayers are correct, enacting legislation to “open the floodgates” as it were would only be harmful, at the moment. There is mention of employing COs, conservation officers are about enforcement, men and women willing to potentially put their lives on the line to protect and preserve our natural lands, they can not handle the job, it would be much like assigning two eight-year-olds “hall monitor,” to maintain a school the size of west edmonton mall. Another important consideration, the enforcement arm should not have the power of investigation, if enforcement feels threatened in their continued employment they may be tempted to ‘investigate,’ and ‘uncover’ make work.

    The duties of a conservation officer are to track and audit wildlife stocks, they are not out there looking for criminals, they are busy with their clients, the wildlife, flora, and works or projects to preserve or restore animal and local plant stocks. Their duties to their bosses (the people and the directing governmental body) are only fulfilled if complaints from conscientious citizens (nature advocates), responsible nature users and proponents of conservation (citizens familiar with appropriate harvesting numbers and able to spot intentional misuse or illegal overharvesting.) People need to be out there to OBSERVE, no access no people, no people no knowledge, no knowledge no respect, no respect equates to fear, misuse, greed, overuse, and destruction.

    Employ a small committee of perhaps 12 to 20 conservation officers, the mandate of this committee would be specifically to design and implement a curriculum and offer free training and testing to various bondable citizens possessing demonstrable aptitude, and a stated intent or noted desire to repair, improve, steward, and enjoy the crown lands to act as trainers, teachers, and guides for an ever expanding cross section of underprivileged, burdened, responsible, teen to adult citizens growing up without knowledge of nature, nor adequate resources to complete a post secondary education.

    Offering employment within the public sector, and providing knowledge and awareness: to safely enjoy public lands, keep an educated eye out for the uninformed, and identify willful miscreants, and most importantly return due care, and a chance for regrowth to revitalize and restore the much put upon planet,that after all was kind enough to provide us with life, heat, clean water, and the opportunity to dig ourselves out of our mud holes, and be the best evolution of humanity that we can be.

    For those entities, (private forestry companies, private landowners) who own or maintain (IE own the land, but through the public right of way needs to provide access to citizens, a subsidy program would need to be created and maintained, to provide 100% insurance coverage and legal defense to insure no loss is incurred as a result of mandated access. Where gates are employed, the cost would be covered to provide a gate with electronic card reader (electronic signal sniffer), the entrant would be required to swipe his Driver’s License or BC ID, the data would be compressed, encrypted, and transmitted via satellite until retrieved by the provincial data store, and only then decrypted and decompressed, providing maximum data security and minimize tampering potential. In the event someone were to cut down / disable / disarm the gate in some way, the sniffer would read any RFIDs in the perpetrators possession, this electronic fingerprint would display any bank cards in their possession, cellular or bluetooth data watches, digital cameras, or bluetooth accessories in the perpetrators vehicle
    . This offers transparency, the disruption to quiet enjoyment is minimized, however any sort of access through the gate would leave an electronic fingerprint. Discouraging disrespectful behavior while simultaneously offering peace of mind for those forced to accept passers-by.

    I noticed several concerns or complaints with mud boggin, dirt bike and atv enthusiasts, rather than condemn them for wanting to chew up dirt and burn off their tires, having locations for those enthusiasts to play would stop the unwanted soil damage / erosion / in addition through the electronic gate systems a series of user fees could be used to compensate those willing to open up mud parks, atv, and dirt bike courses. Perhaps a small percentage of the provincial park user fees, (the tofino area daily user fees for provincial park usage as an example. As an example say the fee is $19 per day, perhaps $5 of that could be awarded as an incentive to the landowner for attraction maintenance.

    In conclusion, society, and the current attitude, make legislation of this bill inappropriate at this time, the bill IS, I feel an absolute necessity, but before we sign on the dotted line, we could perform some due diligence, and take steps to ensure responsible, mature use of the land and its resources, is at the very least encouraged, ideally rewarded.

  10. William Jackson-
    July 3, 2017 at 1:04 pm

    Right to Roam would be better for the wilderness and also easier to accept, if it limited the roads open to vehicles and left the rest to non-motorized access.
    As a minimum, we should restrict motorized access to areas adjoining parks, areas that serve as wildlife corridors etc.
    Broader restriction would be better.

  11. bob cecil-
    July 3, 2017 at 3:27 am

    The gate systems you have here in BC are completely ridiculous. I moved out here from Ontario in 2001 , you can travel anywhere ( which I did hunting and fishing for 40 years ) in that much larger province and public or privately owned Timer companies lands and NEVER see a gate anywhere.

  12. Willow-
    July 1, 2017 at 11:21 pm

    How can I help with this? I am scared the future generation, one that is already slipping into the grips of technology, needs to have access to places of respite in nature like no other. And in my town one of those places has just been usurped by the forest company selling land to private owners and now we do not have access to places that have been used by the people of my city for hundreds of years. The right to roam is really needed so youth can learn how to grow up and be stewards of our precious lands.

  13. James Ward-
    June 22, 2017 at 3:21 pm

    Right to roam? More like right to ruin. Take a look at any public park, the garbage, needles, vandalism. The slobs are not only restricted to town, visit any Forest Service Site and look at the garbage. The problem is not lack of access it’s a lack of respect from the yahoo’s who think mud bogging and tearing up the land is fun. My suggestion would be hiring A LOT MORE C.O.’s to enforce the existing legislation and, if the situation improves, then consider improving access.

  14. brian-
    March 7, 2017 at 11:28 am

    You supporters of this concept need to give your heads a bashing against a large tree.( whoops there are no large trees left in this province) Wake and clue in.

    I’d expect such a proposal from the far right for the opportunity to rape and pillage all in the name of financial gain but coming out of the Green party is absurd.
    Fact – only 5% of BC is private property of which most is in the cities.
    Fact – private property is just that- private and the owner has 100% decision making. They bought it and pay taxes on it.
    Fact- the fish, wildlife, and recreational resources of this province are in a pathetic state with populations declining everywhere and lands being ripped up by so called recreationalist – root word – wreck. That’s the condition of the other 95% of the province.

    How about focusing on the majority and leaving the 5% to manage their land in a more environmentally responsible way.
    When the government leads by example and cleans up the mess on crown land then is the time to expect the 5% to follow suite.

    I suspect most that would support such a concept are either City people or non-property owners.

    As a rural property owner of acreage, I and my neighbors experience first hand the attitude of those that think they have the right to roam where ever their 4X4 can go, where ever their ATV, dirt bike, mountain bike, or snowmobile can get to.
    When confronted with gates, fences, and signs it is a simple matter of pulling out the chainsaw, the winch, the wire cutters, or a large hammer.
    When was the last time anyone of you saw a sign in rural BC that said “private property – no trespass” and actually turned around. Not a chance – the vehicle keeps going until a gate is in the way. then many pull out the tools. Lets stop denying reality.

    Take a look out your back window and ask yourself – would I accept my neighbors dog shitting in my yard every day? Would I say nothing when the kid next door ripped up my garden with his dirt bike? Would I accept my neighbors party spilling into my property with all the junk and bottles left behind? Would I not be concerned when the neighbor decided to have a bonfire in my yard in the middle of a summer heat spell? Would you drink the creek water ( the rural property owners water supply) knowing that humans and dogs are crapping upstream.
    How about that gun that goes off at 0600hrs and the gut pile left beside the road on your property. Would you accept your gate, fence, or sign being destroyed every time someone decides they have the right to roam in your backyard.
    Fact – there are some responsible recreationalist out there but they are tarred with the same brush as the worst of them. This is a proven concept of the lowest common denominator taking precedent over the few anomalies. Sorry but only you can fix this problem by becoming the majority.
    Rural property owners purchase their land for their peaceful enjoyment and their right to such is entrenched in the Criminal Code of Canada.

    To suggest that if we allow public use of every square inch of the province is the way to save the great outdoors is preposterous. People are the problem not the solution. Fish, wildlife, ecosystems, and habitat do not need our help they need us to leave them along so they can function. The demise of the great outdoors is directly correlated to the number of people using ( abusing) it. If this wasn’t the case you won’t have to leave your concrete jungle every weekend.

    Next time you’re out enjoying the great outdoors stop and smell the roses – it smells like vehicle exhaust, Stop and look at the scenery – it looks like a mudbogging pit, stop and listen to the birds- it sounds like a 2 stroke engine reving at 7,000rpm with a “tuned” pipe. Stop and look at the erosion, the ruts, the garbage, the wrecked landscape, the vehicle tracks through the wetlands and streams, the – the – the – the.
    Then ask yourself WTF – then go away and do something good about it.
    Start by not voting Green as this proposal is an insult to the generic concept of “green” and is nothing more then a feeble attempt to gain some votes from those that live in the concrete jungle.

    Rural property owners, be they seasonal properties, farmers, or just people that want to live a lifestyle choice are the only ones saving any part of this province.

    If you must roam try roaming in your neighbors yard and try inviting the world to roam in your backyard. I’m sure all the supporters of this concept would gladly publish their home address on this site for all to come and enjoy your property while you are out roaming on some rural private property. I’m sure your neighbors won’t mind when you decide to help yourself to their property. Right?

    No I’m not some radical environmentalist. But I do consider myself an environmentalist, conservationalist and respectful individual. I’m a hunter, fisherman, and rural PRIVATE property owner.
    I own and ride motorcycles, ATVs, snowmobiles, and boats.
    I also hike, bike, canoe, cross country ski and snowshoe. I also enjoy viewing wildlife, birds, natural scenery, and the deafening silence that the outdoors can provide.
    And when I see a sign, gate or fence, I respect the right of the property owner as I would expect everyone to respect my rights.
    If I want to go beyond, I do my homework, find the owner, and ask permission. If the answer is yes, I respect their land as if it were my own, I help them make it work, and I show my appreciation.
    If the answer is a conditional yes, I go above and beyond the conditions to show my appreciation.
    If the answer is no – I thank them for their time, express my understanding that it is their right, and go somewhere else with the attitude that their word is final.

    Do you have a “private property – no trespass”sign at your home? Do you have an enclosed /fenced property? do you have a locked gate? The law says this is required if you want to charge someone with trespass. Why should I have to install all of this just to try to keep the irresponsible attitudes of the City people off my private property. This is not my preference but a necessity due to the attitudes of most.
    Personally I ask myself what kind of a life do City people live when I see City houses that have bars on the windows. What are you afraid of? Someone else that wants to roam? What about my right to roam through your windows and into you home? Of course this is different because you know you only have the right to decide who comes into your place.

    When the 95% of the land is being managed responsibly because you have demanded it of your government and you have demanded it of yourself, and your have demanded it of all other recreationalists, you won’t have to demand the right to go onto the 5% that is now being managed responsibly by keeping you out.

    Keep bashing your head against that tree until the light turns green, then vote for some other party that understands the simple concept of peaceful enjoyment of private property.

    • Kody-
      March 10, 2017 at 10:52 pm

      You are missing the point the rest of you narrow minded nay saying people that are completely on the side of being against this act as you are mostly saying in a way to take most
      rights of fishing, camping, hunting away?, and as doing so to still shut down access will fuel a bad fire and fire of an on going war. So let me ask you and rest of nay sayers, what’s your solution and answer to this problem and i mean to all sides??, besides shutting everyone to access to our beautiful back yard?. As I stated before you somehow regulate all access points to the backcountry were its crown land not to as yes those should still be restricted like watersheds or yes private land owners and so on, so again got to be some kind of a solution, as again this will be an ongoing battle like the law always trying to crack down on drugs and other horrific crimes and guess what the battle is still going on in that world, just saying in a somewhat example of this battle. Another example there’s other devastation I seen in backcountry other then the not caring bad apples with 4×4 and other off road vehicles etc, destroying land up is logging as I seen all over this province they log right to or near water ways of creeks and lakes and leave small to almost nothing of a buffer zone of free standing trees but guess what there rain comes and flushes all that ground into water that trees natualy hold the ground, and so messing up alot of fish and wild life habitat in that water area and not to mention wiped out all trees in the area for birds and other wildlife, also alot of small trees laying on the logged grounds from falling logged trees that once stated on news that fill logging trucks from one end of this country to other two times, I know there’s planting trees but alot of years to reclaim a forest back. Anyways I could go on about logging and so forth, but in the rights of loggers they need to protect there living and equipment and again someone who has been driving through a regulated access gate with camera or some areas with personal at a both to that logging area or crown land would be caught on camera or noted if the destroyed equipment or dump trash or vehicle dumping. Again just ideas out there, but hopefully there’s some solution in the end to all this is all I’m saying and that’s what my opinions and thoughts are. Think and say what you will till cows come home but there has to be a solution that will be beneficial for everyone

  15. Glen-
    March 4, 2017 at 7:49 pm

    The gates are there for a reason. Tresspass over this guys gold claim and see what happens..

  16. Kody-
    March 4, 2017 at 12:22 pm

    Much interest for this bill to pass for most good reasons, I’m 28 now and grew up in BC Interior in Kamloops till year 2000 then moved to Victoria. Grew up camping, dirt biking, 4x4ing, skiing etc and was always educated and shown to respect our back country and so on. That said for the reason like others stated and know here that we should have rights and acess to our crown lands to camp, hunt, fish, dirt bike and ATV etc, of whatever we choose to do so to explore our back country. Providing so that the rest of us good people maintain that in respecting ways. As for most of the reason why we do have these gates and inaccessible areas is mostly the repeating of bad apples of bad thinkers and mindsets over the years that got to ruin it all for us to this unfortunate frustrated point. That being said that will always be ongoing ways of crimes of, vandalism, dumping waste, vehicle dumping etc, not to obviously sound that’s right in any way but that’s also apart of the issues of some of those non thinking people’s reactions to resisting to inaccessible back roads. There has to be some sort of solution to be regualed an controlled ways for all sides of agreement in the end for us outdoor enthusiasts, first nations and government. Some solutions of example in a way could be ethier a camera built into gates or high on some trees in the area of the gate that will snap pictures or video briefly whoever accessing that area and or some main areas of a booth with a gate that someone of law or timberwest personal in the booth stopping people and getting I’d and plates down. So again some sort of solution. Please keep up the good work Andrew and in any way we can help to pass this bill, hope there’s light at end of this tunnel very soon

  17. M. Galus-
    March 3, 2017 at 12:19 pm

    Has anyone stopped to consider the reason why these gates have been erected and consequently locked to keep the public out? Just take out the locks on your houses and apartments and see how long it will take for REALITY to set in.
    In this country we have managed to produce and acquire individuals with an enormous sense of entitlement who are disrespectful and don`t care about boundaries. In our area alone, I have observed deep ATV and 4X4 ruts over private and crown lands, cut and dragged away fencing, the chasing of cattle, poaching of domestic and wildlife animals, beer cans and cigarette butts thrown about, even near haystacks, bullet holes in equipment, stolen vehicles dragged in, shot up and burned, then left for someone else to clean up —AND even damage to pipelines. There is no policing in these areas. Who do you think covers the costs incurred by these activities that this type of mentality refers to as `recreation`. Certainly not them. There is little or no consequence to them. I certainly don`t want anyone tramping on my property throwing cigarette butts about which could potentially start a fire.
    I would like to make it clear that there are responsible individuals that are respectful and care about the environment but how are we to know who they are?
    There are alternatives to access crown land—-river and lake access, air access, and lots of crown bush access. Many responsible individuals are choosing this type rather than be confronted by the vandals that have established themselves in certain areas.
    The public is looking for EASY access via roads that have been constructed and are maintained at the expensive of private industry or private landowners and referring to them as public roads. They seem to be suffering from the “We Use, You Fix Disorder.
    The ” Right to Roam Bill 223 does not address all the issues and to pass this bill in parliament would be irresponsible and lead to future consequences and unnecessary costs to the citizens of British Columbia and would leave me and others with Post Traumatic Shock.

  18. Adam-
    March 3, 2017 at 9:51 am

    I am not well educated on our processes of parliament or passing bill. But I feel I may be speaking for a number of people when I say this is a very important matter and I would love to see this bill pass but I am uncertain of how myself and others can do there part to ensure this happens. Any information you could give me that would help me assist in ensuring this bill passes would be greatly appreciated.

  19. Chris-
    March 2, 2017 at 9:45 pm

    So im just curious if you are proposing this to all First Nations who live in bc? Because there are only a handful of treaties in bc in comparison to over 200 nations in bc. So you are proposing access on aboriginal title land that has never been ceded, surrendered or purchased. How does this affect those First Nations and what is your plan once the courts settle all the title cases in bc?

  20. Lucy McRaE-
    March 2, 2017 at 3:08 pm

    I would have liked to see it mentioned that this appears to me to be a photo of Cyril Shelford. His memory deserves the acknowledgement and a wonderful guy he was!

    • March 2, 2017 at 3:11 pm

      It may well be. I found the photograph in the depths of the BC Archives. Thank you for bringing this to my attention.

  21. L Frank-
    March 2, 2017 at 2:44 pm

    Would this bill allow public access to the so called “private land” from the E&N railway grant on Vancouver Island that the logging companies somehow inherited from our generous government ?

    • Thomas Warden-
      July 6, 2017 at 7:59 am

      That is the best question I’ve read on this comments section. I hope Andrew can provide some insight into that.

  22. Merv-
    March 2, 2017 at 10:33 am

    What ever happen to private property be private and is it different for you to unlock your back gate in cities so any one can go into your back yard?

  23. Carl Jones-
    March 2, 2017 at 8:22 am

    This is a very important proposal. Being from the UK I have grown up exploring the countryside and spending time in natural surroundings, walking on public footpaths, mountain biking on public bridleways, and boating on public lakes. The UK is criss-crossed by a huge network of public rights of way; England and Wales alone have nearly 175,000km of public footpaths in an area less than a third the size of BC.

    Before moving to Canada I simply assumed the huge natural resources would be similarly available, however having spent 6 years living near Toronto before moving to BC, I found that most lakes within driving distance of the GTA are inaccessible, surrounded by private properties, and have only small areas available to the public, don’t let this happen in BC!

  24. Lynne-
    March 2, 2017 at 8:21 am

    This must not be allowed to pass… when you have seen the damage to remote infrastructure that saves lives and the other damage that has been done by people who roam where they should not be you would understand why…. the hundreds of thousands of dollars that it takes to repair such damage is crazy… that is our tax payer dollars paying for that…. sorry Green Party… I have voted for you many times and I never will vote Green Party ever again ….

  25. Kirsten Snell-
    March 2, 2017 at 6:51 am

    Just like Allemansrätt – it works in Scandinavia, it would be wonderful to see it here in BC.

  26. March 1, 2017 at 8:49 pm

    Dear Honourable Mr. Weaver,

    Thank-you so much for introducing this bill. Access to public lands is an imperative that we must maintain. Closed gates equal closed minds. I believe, like the global indigenous community does, that we belong to the land and not the other way around. Humans presence on this planet came before rule of law and thus access precedes restriction. We are first and foremost free. For that to exist, it must be represented. I think agreements are useful tools and for them to truly be in service they must be kept in hand and I celebrate your action here.


    B. Edgar
    Cobble Hill

    • Erica-
      March 7, 2017 at 8:54 pm

      Hello Mr. Edgar,

      I urge you to reconsider your comment here. The access of public lands is not in jeopardy. Crown lands are public domain. This bill seeks to give unrestricted access to private lands. I urge all British Columbians to try to see this issue from the perspective of the rural landowner. Would you be in favour of granting unrestricted public access to your backyard?

    • wes-
      August 12, 2017 at 4:43 pm

      I am sorry top all the private forestry owners and what not but this needs to go through. I will now be an active participant in assisting this to go through. Anyone or group that is forming to assist this bill going through please contact me .I grew up here on Vancouver island and live in cobble hill…..Everything is locked up! you cant go around locking up all our goddamn lakes!

  27. Steve Rainey-
    March 1, 2017 at 8:35 pm

    I agree to access to crown land, it belongs to the people. I do not agree with access to private land without permission. Less that 3.5% of British Columbia is private land, and as private land owners we are responsible for the activities on this land, we are liable for people who are on our land with our permission and we have the right going back to the British North America Act to limit access if we see fit. What some people may see as “non-cultivated land” is actually a well organized rotational grazing system that is raising healthy food while improving the carbon content in the soil and increasing water retention.
    I support the access to crown land, but please stay off the private land…

  28. Ben le Nobel-
    March 1, 2017 at 3:03 pm

    An excellent proposal. Outdoor recreation is an essential element of our culture here. Crown land is our land, and access is a right.